The Bone Season Wiki

Scion Citadel of Manchester is the capital of the North West region of Britain and the center of industry for Scion.


The citadel is comprised of “austere buildings. High-rise apartment blocks are dotted far apart, like blunted gray digits, stern and monolithic, each a hundred stories high. The lower rungs of the citadel are suffocating under smog, you can hardly see the blue of the streetlamps through it. Jerry-built houses cower in the shadow of gargantuan factories that vomit black smoke.”[1] Every surface is covered in multiple layers of soot. Most denizens wear a mask or respirator, as do the Vigiles who have them built into their visors. A thick miasma scratched the back of your throat and spreads a foul taste over your tongue if you don’t wear a face covering. Senshield scanners haven’t been installed yet. Manchester isn’t particularly safe, for voyants or amaurotics. SciPLO's factories have been located in Manchester for decades.

The local clairvoyants that make up what syndicate there is in Manchester call themselves Scuttlers. They are ruled by the Scuttling Queen or Scuttling King. The Attard family has been the ruling voyant family in Manchester for four generations. It was ruled by Nerio Attard until he got beheaded by Scion a couple of years ago. It is now ruled by his oldest daughter Roberta Attard.

Ancoats is the name of the Irish district in the citadel. It's a slum where a lot of SciPLO factory work hands live. The Red Rose is a voyant safe house located on Essex Street. The Red Rose makes traditional food from Lancashire. It's near a supper house called Quincey's. The voyant publishing house is Withy Grove. Their most well-known publication is The Querent. It's a voyant newsletter. It is a saddle-stitched booklet that Scion tries to stop it from spreading, but it keeps coming back. Public transportation in the citadel is the Monorail of Scion Manchester. The trains are worn and soiled. The Old Meadow is a district surrounded by warehouses. The "meadow" is little more than a scuff of grass, encircled by a wrought-iron fence. It's also a slum. The River Irwell has dead fish rolling like balloons on the water.

Notable Locations[]

  • The Old Meadow
  • Spinningfirlds Prison
  • The Barton Arcade
  • Ancoats
  • Withy Grove
  • SciPLO Factories
  • Irwell River
  • Essex Street
    • The Red Rose
    • Quincey's

Known Inhabitants[]

